ВУЗы в Бельгии,где преподают на английском языке?

По окончанию ВУЗа в Москве хочу продолжить обучение в Бельгии. Есть ли в Бельгии бесплатные ВУЗЫ с преподаванием на англ. яз.? Заранее спасибо.

www.ulb.be а там найдете

Dear Ботаник,
вы случайно не знаете где можно посмотреть более точную и подробную information о ULB?

Вроде в ULB появилась возможность первый год учиться на английском и параллельно учить интенсивно французский, затем продолжать на французском. Стоимость ок.700 евров за год и интенсив 100 евров за год.

если не ошибаюсь, бесплатного высшего в бельгии нет. на английском в основных универах образования нет (либо нидерландский, либо французский), только аспирантура.

Спасибо,Golem! Инфа исчерпывающая,благодарю! :lol:

College of Europe
The College of Europe offers one-year, post-graduate programs in Business Administration, Human Resources Management, Law, and Political Science. Classes are given in English and French, and there is an affiliated campus in Poland.
Degrees offered: One year programs in Economics, International Relations, Law, Political Science and Social Sciences.

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- KUL
The Economics department has exchange programs with the Graduate Business School at both the University of Chicago and Cornell University. Degrees offered: KUL offers a wide variety of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in English, including American Culture and Society, Archeology of the Eastern Mediterranean, Architecture in Human Settlements, Artificial Intelligence, Canon Law, Cultural anthropology, EU Law and international Law, European Studies, Family and Sexual Studies, Historic Conservation, Hydrology, Marketing, Philosophy, Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Physics, Polymer and Composite Engineering, Public Administration, Statistics - both business and psycho-social, Theology/Religious Studies, and Water Resources Engineering. There is also a short 4-week Theology program.

Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Flemish university of the Province of Limburg that provides degrees in sciences, medicine, dentistry, and applied economic sciences.

LiХge University
Founded in 1817, the University of LiХge is the only public Community-sponsored university in the French-speaking part of Belgium which offers a complete range of university courses at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. It is divided into eight faculties : Philosophy and Letters, Law and School of Criminology, Sciences, Medicine, Applied Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Economics, Management and Social Sciences.

Open University
More than 150,000 students in Europe take advantage of the Open University's distance learning programs. Courses require on average about 10 hours a week, with some tutorials actually taking place in Brussels. Undergraduate programs run from February to October while the Business School has two annual sessions, one beginning in May and one in November.
Degrees offered: The Open University offers over 150 courses

Rijksuniversiteit Gent - RUG
Degrees offered: Most of the degree programs available at the RUG are at the Master's level and include such subjects as: Agricultural Development, Aquaculture, Environmental Sanitation, Food Science and Nutrition,Food Science and Technology, Nematology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Soil Science and Eremology, and Textile Technology. There are also short courses available on Assessment and Management of Environmental Pollution from Industry, Larviculture and Artemia, and Lake Zooplankton.

Royal Military Academy of Belgium
The Royal Military Academy (RMA) is a Belgian university which aims to train the officers of the Armed Forces (All Weapons division & Engineering division).

Universiteit Antwerpen - RUCA
Degrees offered: Master's in Public Administration and Management with the focus on developing countries.

Universiteit Instelling Antwerpen - UIA
Degrees offered: Two-year programs for third and fourth year university students in English Language and literature (with the emphasis on British literature) and European Studies.

University Center of Charleroi
The Cunic, centre universitaire de Charleroi, is a not-for-profit association dedicated to adult education.

University of Antwerp
Offers short courses which are all given in English. However, oral and written examinations may be done in either English or French.
Degrees offered: Master in Transport and Maritime Management. This degree allows students in the transport sector to increase their technical knowledge and management skills.

University of Maryland
Degrees offered: AA degree in General Studies, BA and BS degrees, Certificates in Scientific subjects and MAs in Pulbic Administration and MIS (Management Information Systems). Brussels programme.

UniversitИ Catholique de Louvain - UCL
Degrees offered: Master's degrees in Economics, European Studies and International Management. Doctorates can be done in English in all university departments.

UniversitИ Libre de Bruxelles - ULB
At its inauguration in 1834, the Free University of Brussels registered a grand total of 96 students. Just over 160 years later, enrollment has grown to over 18, 000. As a profusion of new disciplines appear, and is one of Belgium's leading academic institutions, a full-service, fully accredited University which includes several academic specialization increases, the numbers of Schools and departments have proliferated. Today, the ULB teaching hospitals and industrial research parks.

Vesalius College at Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB
The Vesalius College is an American-style Liberal Arts college. Its list of majors include:
Business and Human Resources Management, Business and Technology, Business Economics, Communication Studies, Computer Science, International Affairs and Economics, International Affairs and History, International Affairs and Politics, International Management Literature Studies, Social and Organizational Psychology.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB
The VUB is an independent, Flemish university that offers a number of programs at graduate level that are taught fully or partially in English and lead to a Master's degree, Special Licentiate, Certificate or second Bachelor's degree.
Degrees offered: Master's degrees in Applied Computer Science, Business Administration, Computer Science, Ecological Marine Management, Educational Research, Engineering Technology, Human Ecology, Law, Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, Molecular Biology, and Social and Political Sciences.

ВУЗы в Бельгии,где преподают на английском языке?
Подскажите пожалуйста, возможно ли, переехав жить в Бельгию, продолжить свое обучение в вузе, с потерей курса, с пересдачей всех экзаменов, но только не начинать все сначала, с 1 курса? и на каком языке возможно обучение?

Да,можно.Но всё зависит от вашего вуза или университета.

И ещё плюс.Переезжая и получая хотя бы временное годовое прибывание вы можете сэкономить на оплате за обучение.если вы приезжаете из Росссии сразу учиться и оформляете документы в России то вам может стоить 1000 и больше евро за год обучения.
Если вы уже живете здесь и имеете прописку то стоимость может снизится до 500 евро.Конечно всё зависит от программы выбранной вами.

На английском обычно это экономика,менеджмент и маркетинг.
Как оформить документы о вашем предидущем обучении узнайте в выбранном вузе.

Аватар пользователя antadis

узнавайте в конкретно выбранном университете.

Аватар пользователя Linaa

Вроде в ULB появилась возможность первый год учиться на английском и параллельно учить интенсивно французский, затем продолжать на французском. Стоимость ок.700 евров за год и интенсив 100 евров за год.

837€ стоит запись в этом году для бельгийцев..."иностранцaм" намного дороже...