Покупка автомобиля ,уверен на 99 процентов что это развод.

Покупка автомобиля ,уверен на 99 процентов что это развод.
Вы как думаете?
Hi again,
The car is register in Belgium and it have all the documents in perfect condition in order to register it on your name.I would like to use a shipping company for this deal, the process is very easy and I have just bought a 2003 BMW M3 Convertable and this is why I know how it works.
This company will handle the delivery of the car and also they will handle all the registration papers. If we will use it you will have 5 days to inspect the car before you decide to buy it.
I will pay delivery! The delivery time will be around 1 day and the car will be delivered at your home address. In this time you will receive the tracking number of the transaction so you can use it to check the status on the company website.
Let me explain you the whole process:
First I will need your details, full name and address. As soon as I get the info from you I will take the car and go to the shipping company to transfer it in their custody. I will pay all the shipping charges. After the car is in their custody they will send you a confirmation and also payment instructions. They work as an escrow service and will hold the payment during the 5 days period for inspection. After the payment is confirmed to them, they will get the car to your home address and will also give you the documents of registration and the car will be left in your custody, in this period you can inspect the car, take it to a service for inspection and drive test it. After the 5 days period is over the shipping company will come to you and if you decided to keep the car you will transfer the documents on your name and after the car is registered on your name they will release the payment to me. If you decide not to buy the car they will get the car back and will send you a full refund of the payment.
Please e-mail me with your decision and also your full name and address!!
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- 2378 просмотров
в лучшем случае доставят какую-нибудь развалюху и тут же слиняют, в худшем - вообще ничего не доставят
хотя можно поинтересоваться, что за shipping company и погуглить
Это довольно старая разводка, можно даже сказать - баян.
они будут просить деньги в любом случае заранее.
Если хошь поприкалываться , отошли им какой нить базар поповоду машин из юмористического рассказа, можно для углубления экстаза на русском или каком нить другом.
Во будут париться.
года 2 назад что то мне такое рассказывали,подробности не могу вспомнить.
не ,я адрес полицейского участка дам :-)
=) отличный ход!
Я думаю Вы знаете на 100% что это.По моему это кто-то из Африки.
а я думал вы знаете что даже вскрытие не дает 100% гарантии :-)
Я с этим имею дело каждый день.Это развод, очень низкого уровня.Я даже текст до конца не читал,всё стало вверху понятно.
этих объявлений развелось очень много за последние годы. всех привлекает смешная цена. никто, ничего присылать не будет. система: утром деньги - вечером стулья :) ответы даже на нидерландском присылали.
никому не верьте сейчас такое время разведут пополной а потом и не найдёте и деньги уплылили
спасибо тебе дружище scooter , если бы не ты ,уплыли бы мои деньги на параходе.
у меня такое впечатление что они живут на этих сайтах ,другой чел с autoscout24.be тоже самое ,и машина не подарок .
Hello ,
First of all I need to tell you that I am located in Manchester, England ! I hope this is not a problem !
I worked in Belgium for my company until the end of December but now I am back home in Manchester. I have tried to sell the car here but nobody is interested in a car with the steering wheel on the left side here in England. The fact that the car is still registered in Belgium doesn't help either.
If you want the car you can come here and take it OR we can use an escrow transport company to take care of delivery, the process is very easy, I have just bought a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee using this service and I know how it works.
This escrow company will handle the delivery of the car including all the documents.
If we will use it you will have 5 days to test and inspect the car along with all the documents. In this 5 days period you need to decide if you wish to keep the car or not.
The payment will also be done trough this escrow company and they will give me the money only if you decide to keep the car.
The delivery time is around 2-3 days (depending on the distance) and the car will be delivered at your home address.
In this time you will receive a tracking number of the transaction and you can use it to check the status of the delivery on website of the company.
The company will handle all the registration papers in your country !
In this way we will both be safe !
My telephone number is : +44 7564 074 152 ! You can call me any time you wish or E-mail me your telephone number and I will call you .
Thank you !
мне по приколу ,отвечаю :-))))) молчит :-))
Hello Chris,
These are great news!!! The next week I will be in London for
business and can come to have a look on a car to Manchester any day
that suits you the whole week long. Could you please write me your
exact address?
See you soon,
Подпиши его на эту фигню - развод на развод :) Правда карма пострадает