требуется программист в Голландии

Интернациональная фирма Tie в Голландии ,ишет программиста.Eсли заинтересуете работадателя, то рабочую визу думаю дадут. Обещают через 6 мес постоянный контракт, ну все остальное надо разговаривать, все что там трeбуется не надо боятся, надо быть просто толковым программистом , если есть вопросы пишите в личку.

Software Developer - TIE Netherlands - Schiphol-Rijk

The candidate will be joining the Messaging Solutions Team. Within that team he will be responsible for development, deployment and maintenance of our B2B eCommerce applications. The characteristics of these applications are high performance, high scalability and integration with the latest technologies (via webServices, communication protocols, messages...). His main focus areas within the team will be Communications, Protocols and Workstation Solutions. He will be involved in deployment of all products of the team. He will play an important role in the interaction between Support and Development Team. The candidate must be a good team player, have good communication skills and the ability to work independently. Next to our Corporate Development activity we will be running 2 projects for the European Commission. They fall under the code name SEAMless and Stasis and will run over the next 2-3 years. The Software Development Team will be closely involved in these projects. The candidates must have a HBO or higher degree in computers and good knowledge of: - Visual Basic 6 and COM technology; - C++, C; - Recognizable experience and affinity in messaging environments; Knowledge in the following areas is a plus: - InstallShield; - Microsoft SQL Server and complex TSQL queries; - Visual Interdev and ASP technology; - .NET technology; - XML, XSL, DTD, XML Schemas; - EDI, EDIFACT; - Fluent English;

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Аватар пользователя ВБР

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Те, кто за, могут опустить руки и отойти от стенки...

Regards, VBR

Аватар пользователя Alexandre

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* Origin: Лудим, паяем, примуса починяем... 2:5083/78@FIDONET.kz TRAVEL 4 BBS

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