H1B visas in danger, being slammed by IEEE ;-(

Сэм Лаури's picture

Thanks for the link. Yes, times are getting harder and harder, luckily I got mine a year ago... But that was an easy shot as my University hired a lawyer to do the paperwork. The problem, though, is that nowadays IT job market fell so dramatically low that for the coming fall semester we have enrolment cut by 60%, and this is an MIS major! Could anyone predict such a scenario!? So I try to keep my chair in Bxls too, as God knows when the big brother is going to recover (if ever :cry: )...

[quote="Сэм Лаури"]сабж, пипл



This is quite sad as America's power was built on qualified immigrants, bt I do believe that, as always, the US will continue to be the strongest and richest nation. Current US problems seem to be peanuts for Europe... With social benefits, 38 hours working week, 50% income tax, trade unions, 40% state-controlled economy, giant beureaucracy, Europe will never get even closer to the US!! Ah, if I were in the US.....

Don't be so upset, Zorro. American "richness" and """freedom""" are well compensated here by quality of life. After spending a full academic year and more over in MN, I am so glad to be back in good old Europe, at least for the summer. I think, the best is to work for a US company, i.e. to have an American based salary :-), in Europe... As for local bureaucracy etc., US have there own “points”. Have a look at the marasmus that I have recently got in my US university email 8O (I purposely masked the name of it and the city to avoid embarrassment). Mind, it was sent yesterday, NOT prior April 1 !!! :lol:

[quote][b]Terrorist attack victims needed![/b]

Over 100 volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in a mock terrorist attack exercise that could leave them “dead” or “dying” as the result of a disaster situation. Terrorists using mustard gas will cause more than 100 injuries and casualties when they “attack” the *** State University campus on Monday, Aug. 18. The exercise calls for the poisonous gas to be introduced into the library building via explosion or through the ventilation system.

The event is only an exercise!

The drill includes tests and simulations to assess the emergency operations plans of the city of ***, the *** Police Department, the *** Fire Department, *** Hospital, regional hospitals, ### County and *** State University.

The drill will include responding to alerts, decontaminating and transporting victims to area hospitals, establishing security for the area, setting up command posts, and handling communications.

The drill will begin with a briefing for volunteers at 10 a.m., the disaster will begin at noon, and the exercise is expected to end by 6 p.m. Volunteers are asked to wear a swimsuit under clothing they consider disposable and to minimize personal items. An early lunch will be provided. Minors will need an adult present to sign a waiver form.

Additional information will be e-mailed to volunteers in early August.
Students, employees, and members of the community who are willing to be “victims” may contact: Clara Huges, *** State University Volunteer Connection, (333) 555-4444, email@university.edu

*** State University employees will need to get their supervisor’s approval to participate and will need to adjust their work schedule for that day, as there will be no overtime paid. Employees will be expected to return to work if their “victim” assignment is finished early. Human Resources will follow up with an employee’s supervisor once they have signed up to volunteer. Contact HR at 555-2222 if there are questions about employee participation.

Faculty members are also asked to announce this volunteer opportunity in summer school classes.[/quote]

shit fellows, no life anywhere, for us ....emmigrants from our "lovely" 3d World Countries specially (is it a 3d one yet or the 4th already? ?).