Акции и манифестации в защиту людей без бумаг.

Глебов's picture

В демократическом обществе, манифестации - это один из способов привлечь внимание общественности и тем самым решить назревшие проблемы. В данном случае - проблемы бедственного положения наших соотечественников, находящихся в Бельгии нелегально. По нашим подсчетам, таких в Бельгии в настоящее время находится не менее 10 тысяч человек.

What's the process for responding to a thread?
Could it be an issue with how I'm typing?
Your guidance is needed.
With respect.

Is there a moderator available to assist with password updating?
Is it possible to set up a new username and password instead?
I'd appreciate some assistance.
With all due respect.

Greetings [url=https://ukrainatoday.com.ua/].[/url]
I've found your platform to be very engaging and full of potential.
I would like to place an order for advertising space for a banner at the header , for $300 monthly.
I will make payment via WebMoney, paying 50% upfront, and the remaining 50% in two weeks. Also, I'd like to ask if the link to my web portal https://ukrainatoday.com.ua/ - would it be in any conflict with the site's theme? Thank you!
Email me with your decision via PM or email at arnoldbermanoffroad@gmail.com
